7 Settembre 2020
Musica Fragile - presentation of the new album by Emanuele Filippi

To comply with the anti-COVID19 regulations while maintaining an adequate number of seats available in the hall, the show will take place in two replicas, one at 19.00 and one at 21.00.
We kindly ask the public to book only one set so as to allow as many people as possible to participate in the event.


Free admission with reservations required via this link: https://simularte.it/events/musica-fragile-presentazione-del-nuovo-album-di-emanuele-filippi/


"Musica fraglie" is the new album by Emanuele Filippi, the second of his production, an important achievement for the career of this young Friulian pianist and composer, more and more in the attention of the national and international scene. It is a record that wins from the start, selected by the “For those who create” program promoted by MiBACT and SIAE who voted “Musica Fragile” as the best creative product to support in support of the creativity and cultural promotion of young artists.


Emanuele Filippi - piano and compositions
Cosimo Boni - trumpet
Nicola Caminiti - saxophone
Marco Bolfelli - guitar
Matheus Jardim - drums

Glauco Venier - artistic producer
Stefano Amerio / Artesuono - record producer
Federico Mansutti - executive producer

Conductor: Alessio Screm


Event organized by Artesuono in collaboration with the Fondazione Luigi Bon and SimulArte